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赵永华, 湖南邵东人,著名书法家,艺术教育家,当代中国书画领军代表人物,书画创新典范人物,书画传承人代表,国家特级书法师、国礼艺术家、美术档案出版社艺术顾问、中国书协、中央国家机关书协及中国文物学会会员等。



曾先后在日本、新加坡、韩国、北京、上海、香港、深圳等举办个人书画展,作品曾被国家最高领导人、国家博物馆、毛主席纪念堂及多国元首珍藏。其编著的(神奇写字速成法教程》《五分钟钢笔行 书速成法》(30小时 毛笔钢笔速成法》教材面向全球推广,让全世界人们喜欢中国汉字,快速掌握汉字的书写技巧和方法。2018年从全国选出近现代八位书法大师的作品入编全球五百家孔子学院试用教材——《中国艺术范例》,作者名例其中。根据两会召开后的第一次决议,根据两会要求,央视决定从全国遴选六位艺术界的功勋领军人物,来定位制作人生访谈录,其中就有人民功勋艺术家赵永华个人艺术专题片。其空中挥毫,双笔交替,横向反书被文化部审定为非遗创始人。心系公益慈善事业,常以义卖其作品乐捐,其艺术事迹先后被中央电台、电视台、人民日报、国际日报、世界论坛报、中国教育报、湖南卫视、深圳卫视、港澳台及联合国等数百家新闻媒体专题报道。

Zhao Yonghua, Hunan Shaodong people, a famous calligrapher, art educator, leading representatives of contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, painting and calligraphy innovation model figure, representative of painting and Calligraphy Heritage, national special calligrapher, national ceremony artist. He is currently a consultant of the china-japan-korea Exchange Association, a senior consultant of the global report, Dean of the School of calligraphy of the City Management University of the sea-land Silk Road, a specially appointed professor, and director of the Yonghua Calligraphy Art Institute of Shenzhen, he was awarded the title of "People's artist" in June 2017. I am self-taught, with a number of stunts, good at multi-body book, and the unique Yonghua style. Various types of books have been produced by many postal administrations in the form of the album "the great artists of China" . In 2019, the United States Philatelic Group and the European Philatelic Association jointly launched the World Stamp Album "charming China, glittering world" , the first edition of the collection, titled "Chinese Artists: Foshan" , was released to the world. He has held solo exhibitions in Japan, Singapore, Korea, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and his works have been collected by the country's top leaders, national museums, Mausoleum of Mao Zedong and heads of state. The book, "five-minute pen line, book quick method" (30 hours, brush pen quick method" teaching materials for global promotion, so that people around the world like Chinese characters, quickly master Chinese writing skills and methods. In 2018, the works of eight Chinese calligraphers were selected from the whole country and edited into the trial textbook of Confucius's college ———— a sample of Chinese art. In accordance with the first resolution after the two sessions, and in accordance with the requirements of the two sessions, CCTV decided to select six leading figures in the art world from all over the country to locate and produce interviews about life, among them Zhao Yonghua, the People's meritorious artist, and his personal art feature film. The air, two-stroke alternating, Horizontal anti-book was approved by the Ministry of Culture as the founder of the non-legacy. His artistic deeds have been featured in hundreds of news media, including China Central Radio, television, people's Daily, international daily, World Tribune, China Education Daily, Hunan Satellite TV, Shenzhen satellite TV, Hong Kong and Macao TV, and the United Nations.




上一篇:新时代杰出书法名家——薛克彬专题报道 下一篇:点燃醉美人间烟火,重现百年商埠繁华

