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薛克彬,男, 1938 年生,退休军人,大校军衔,书法家。自幼爱好书法,临习王羲之、柳公权。颜真卿、赵孟顯等先辈书法大家的碑帖,受到欧阳中石、田英章、杨在春、张瑞龄等书法名家教诲和指导。参加国内和国际性的书画展赛中,多幅作品获奖,特别近几年参加的盛世中华、祖国颂、和平杯、兰亭杯、舒同杯、金鼎奖和纪念毛泽东、周恩来、刘少奇、邓小平诞辰,庆祝建党、 建军、建国、改革开放、辛亥革命等书法画展赛中,200 多幅书法作品获特等、-等、金奖、入展,被组办单位收藏。上 百幅作品入编中国书画名家大典,中国当代实用书法大观、中国书画收藏指南、书坛巨擘、盛世翰墨名家经典(国礼卷)、中央电视台人物杂志、全国两会献礼书画作品集、中宣部和国家出版总局出版的2017风范人物挂历、故宫博物院出版社的书画经典、天津美术出版社书坛巨匠和世界文化艺术出版社出版的世界当代书画艺术名家博览、中国书画出版社及英国皇家出版局联合出版的亚欧书画等40多部典集。被授予中国书法百杰、当代书法名家、中华文化大使、国礼艺术家等荣誉称号。多幅作品参加了法国、俄罗斯、意大利、加拿大、日本、泰国、韩国等多个国家书画展,2014 年和2015年被评为中国500强书画家。现为中国书法家协会会员、中国硬笔 书法家协会会员、中国书画艺术促进会常务理事、中国民建研究会艺委理事会副主席、中国企业报道艺术资本理事会会员、中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体工作委员会会员、联合国和平书画院院士、九州枫林国际书画艺术研究院院土等。

Xue Kebin, Male, born in 1938, retired soldier, military rank of senior colonel, calligrapher. Calligraphy Hobby since childhood, I studied Wang Xizhi, Liu Gongquan. Yan Zhenqing, Zhao Mengxian and other ancestors of calligraphy, calligraphy by Ouyang Zhongshi, Tian Yingzhang, Yang Zichun, Zhang ruiling and other calligraphy master teaching and guidance. In the national and international calligraphy and painting exhibition competitions, many works won prizes, in particular, in recent years, participants in the Grand China, Ode to the Motherland, Peace Cup, Lanting Cup, Shoutong Cup, golden tripod award and commemoration of the birthdays of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, more than 200 calligraphy and painting works were awarded the First Class,-class, Gold Award and exhibition in the calligraphy and painting exhibition held in celebration of the founding of the Party, the army, the founding of the People's Republic of China, the reform and opening up, the Revolution of 1911, etc. . Hundreds of works have been incorporated into the master ceremony of Chinese Painting and calligraphy, more than 40 classic collections of Contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting, including the Grand Exhibition of Practical Contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting, the collection guide for Chinese calligraphy and painting collections, the calligraphy and painting classics of the Great Masters of calligraphy and painting, the calligraphy and painting classics of Tianjin Fine Arts Publishing House and the world culture and Art Publishing House, the calligraphy and painting works of Asia and Europe published by China Central Television People's magazine and the National People's Congress, the 2017 calendar of exemplary figures published by the central propaganda department and the State General Administration of Press, the calligraphy and painting classics of The Palace Museum, the World Exhibition of Contemporary Calligraphy and painting artists published by Tianjin Fine Arts Publishing House and the world culture and Art Publishing House, the China Calligraphy and Painting Publishing House and the Royal Publishing House of the United Kingdom. He was awarded the honorary titles of Bai Jie of Chinese calligraphy, contemporary calligrapher, ambassador of Chinese culture and artist of national ceremony. Many works have participated in France, Russia, Italy, Canada, Japan, Thailand, South Korea and other countries calligraphy and painting exhibitions, in 2014 and 2015 was named China's top 500 artists. He is now a member of the Chinese Calligrphers Association, member of Calligrapher's Association, Executive Director of Chinese calligraphy and Painting Art Promotion Association, Vice-chairman of Art Council of China Civil Construction Research Association, member of China Enterprise Reporting Art Capital Council, member of New Art Group Working Committee of Chinese calligraphy and Painting Association, Member of United Nations Peace Academy of Calligraphy and painting, land of Jiuzhou Fenglin International Academy of Calligraphy and painting art, etc. .




上一篇:师点文化:开启夫妻共修的新时代是回归师道文明的有效途经 下一篇:新时代杰出书法名家——赵永华专题报道

