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1932 年出生于广东汕尾,1951 年军医学校大专毕业。中国艺术工作者协会终身名誉会 长,2017 年评为共和国人民艺术家,中国国画院花乌画研究院名誉院长,北京文人美术馆 客座教授/馆员。中国国画院院士,聘为香港特区书画院副院长。诗书画方面幼承家学,从父黄赓尧先生(师范毕业)学书画,随母陈淑勤女士学刺绣、古诗词,毕业于 87 级北京中国书画函授大学(三年)和成都翰林书画艺术学院研究班(两年)。多年来又得到多位老一辈箸名书画家的面授真传。中国文化遗产保护研究院资格认定具有“中国书画家”资格。入编《中华英模大辞典》、《2010 年世博中国艺术名家大典》、《共和国艺术家辞海》(封面、封底)、《书画 HOT 榜 120 名大家》、《世界美术大典》等。被北京大学书画院艺术研究院特聘为客座教授,被北京林都书画研究院特聘为常务理事。

Born in Shanwei, Guangdong Province in 1932, graduated from military medical school in 1951. In 2017, he was honored as the people's artist of the Republic of China, the honorary president of China Artists Association, the honorary president of Huawu Painting Research Institute of Chinese Painting Academy, and the visiting professor / Librarian of Beijing literati Art Museum. Academician of the Chinese Academy of painting, employed as vice president of theAcademy of calligraphy and painting of Hong Kong SAR. In terms of poetry, calligraphy and painting, he studied calligraphy and painting from his father, Mr. Huang gengyao (graduated from normal school), and embroidery and ancient poetry with his mother, Ms. Chen Shuqin. He graduated from grade 87 Beijing correspondence university of Chinese calligraphy and painting (three years) and Chengdu Hanlin Academy of calligraphy and painting art (two years). Over the years, he has received face-to-face real biographies from many famous calligraphers and painters of the older generation. China Academy of cultural heritage protection has the qualification of "Chinese calligrapher and painter". He has been included in the dictionary of Chinese models, the 2010 World Expo Chinese artists' dictionary, the Republic artists' Dictionary (cover, back cover), 120 people in the hot list of calligraphy and painting, the world art dictionary, etc.

入编中国书法选集和多部书画典籍,出版了几本个人国画选集,2017 年中外名人艺术 院院士(终身),2018 年元月评为"中国国宾礼特供书画艺术家”。黄瑞珍国画作品《荷蟹图》 入选 2018 法国卢浮宫中国书画名家精品展。被授予“法国卢浮宫中国书画名家精品展文化艺 术特别成就奖”。同时颁授“法国卢浮宫文学艺术最高荣誉勋章”一枚。

He has been included in the compilation of Chinese calligraphy anthologies and a number of calligraphy and painting classics, and published several individual Chinese painting anthologies. In 2017, he was a academician of Chinese and foreign famous artists' Academy (for life), and in January 2018, he was named as the "special calligraphy and painting artist of Chinese state guest ceremony". Huang Ruizhen's Chinese painting "the painting of lotus crab" was selected into the 2018 French Louvre Chinese painting and calligraphy masterpieces exhibition. He was awarded the "special achievement award of culture and art in the excellent exhibition of Chinese Calligraphers and painters in the Louvre of France". At the same time, he awarded "the highest medal of honor for literature and art of the Louvre in France".

2017 年被批准成立中国国画院黄瑞珍书画艺术工作室。

In 2017, it was approved to establish Huang Ruizhen calligraphy and painting art studio of China

Academy of traditional Chinese painting.

“2019 年榮登新中国百名书画大师榜。”

"In 2019, it will be listed as one of the top 100 painting and calligraphy masters in New China."

2019 年 12 月获首届“环球华人艺术金奖” 。

Won the first "global Chinese art Gold Award" in December 2019。


In 2020, he took part in the fifth "Champion Cup" Chinese poetry competition and won the first prize of poetry champion。


We were invited to congratulate China on the shenzhou 10 mission


上一篇:聚焦中国艺术家形象大使——卿笃武 下一篇:聚焦中国艺术家形象大使——邹邦基

