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卿笃武,男,汉族,1959年8月生,湖南省洞口县石江镇人; 1977 年高中毕业,1978年至1981年服役广州军区,其中1979年2月参加对越作战并荣立“三等功”一次,至今一直在家务农,但却始终在追求一种信念、一种文化、一种境界.......;2007年3月首次以“净化心灵”之作参赛“纪念邓小平南巡讲话十五周年全国书画大赛”,获奖入编,后陆续以“实事求是”、“为人民服务”、“大家风范”、“追求….“人间正道是沧桑”、“龙”、“回家了,真好”之作参赛全国性书法大赛中均获奖入编。现共四十余次获全国书法大赛“金”、“银”奖之多,最近有幸被徐悲鸿纪念馆编纂的《当代中国书画领军人物》一书而应邀入编,从事实上肯定了书者十余年来的真书生涯,同时也为其从事书法创作注入了新的动力,并使其倍感传承祖国传统文化之期待与重托!

Qing Duwu, male, Han Nationality, born in August 1959, born in Shijiang Town, Dongkou County, Hunan Province; Graduated from high school in 1977, served in the Guangzhou Military Area Command from 1978 to 1981, and participated in the war against Vietnam in February 1979 and won the "Third-class Merit" once. Up to now, I have been working as a farmer at home, but I have always been pursuing a belief, a culture and a realm... ; In March 2007, he took part in the "National Painting and Calligraphy Contest in commemoration of the 15th Anniversary of Deng Xiaoping's Southern Tour Speech" for the first time with his works of "Purification of the mind". He won awards and was edited. After that, he successively took "seeking truth from facts", "serving the people", "Everyone style" and "pursuing... "The right path in the world is the Vicissitudes of life", "Dragon" and "It's good to be home" were selected as winners and edited in the national Calligraphy Competition. Now more than forty times won the national calligraphy competition "gold", "silver" award, recently had the opportunity to be compiled by xu beihong memorial book of contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy leaders and invited biography, from in fact affirmed enters to the way of career, more than 10 years as well as the injected new momentum, engaged in calligraphy creation and make them feel more looking forward to the great trust of inheriting traditional Chinese culture!



上一篇:聚焦中国艺术家形象大使——葛凤兰 下一篇:世界看中国——走向世界的人民艺术家黄瑞珍

