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张通云,号野山,男,湖北省利川人,国家高级美术师,《中国艺术名家档案馆》终身会员;中国楹联学会书法艺术研究会会员;中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会委员;藏亿天下理事;中儒文化产业联盟主席,高中美术高级教师,中国国际美术家协会会员、中国国际艺术家协会理事、高级书画师;中国国际现代艺术研究中心高级研究员;中国民族建筑研究会书画艺术专业委员会会员;曲阜鸿儒书画院常务副院长。一带一路丝路之旅中吉国礼工程艺术家;作品与艺术简历2018年4月在中央电视台老故事频道所属《筑梦空间》栏目和2020年4月中央电视台老故事频道《传承栏目》授牌“张通云文化传承工作室”、收藏天下全国数字频道2020春节电视展播,在百度首页、人民日报、人民网、中国新闻联播、全球头条、国际热线、今日头条、中国网、国际凤凰网等国际国内二百余家媒体网上报道;入选人民日报主办的《中华水墨报》以“中国艺术功勋人物献礼建国70周年大阅兵”为通栏标题报道并入驻决策中国行业百科影响力人物数据库、文化部艺术人才数据库、中国名家百科数据库、新华在线《名家百科》数据库、国际名人百科、新华在线网名家百科栏目中国行业领军人物数据库、中企报盟信息科学研究院中国书画名家数据库、中国名家访谈网行业名家数据库、东方大师数据库和藏亿天下艺术家名人库、入驻卓越者头条官方网站;荣获“改革开放三十年中国专家学者贡献人物”荣誉称号;在第十八届世纪大采风活动中获“德艺双馨艺术家”荣誉称号;收藏天下全国数字电视频道授予“最具收藏价值艺术家”称号;中国收藏学术研究会和世界文化艺术鉴定中心授予“当代中国书画收藏市场最具收藏价值艺术家”; 荣获建国70周年纪念章;作品进入亚马逊、阿里巴巴和藏艺网合作销售;中国互联网新闻中心授予“艺术传承者---张通云书画届巨匠”荣誉称号;中国互联网联盟授有2020年度全球各界顶级人物年度之最奖杯;中国收藏指南网签约艺术家,由中国收藏指南网建立了永久性3D+VR张通云美术馆。

自幼酷爱艺术,中国书画作品或业绩已在俄罗斯、美国、法国、日本等11个国家, 中国26个省、市、自治区获奖、入展或入编800余次;书画作品在人民日报艺术家金杯奖、世界华人艺术精品大展,情系奥运中华书画艺术展世界行等140余次活动中获奖或入展,其中,特别金奖6次,金奖含一等奖48次,银奖15次;作品在中国文联编辑,人民美术出版社出版的有刘大为、黄永玉和范曾的《画坛泰斗---四大领军人物》;CCTV2018《中国书画---走向世界的中国名片》台历;2020全球发行与中美协主席范迪安二人合集的《时代风采人物》台历;2021年全球发行与钟南山、马云合集的《建党百年功勋人物》台历 ;中国文史出版社出版与欧阳中石、马化腾三人合集的《大国崛起。文化力量》;收藏天下全国数字电视频道的《中国荣耀丝绸上的国礼艺术大师》;中国文联出版社出版的《长征颂报国心强国梦》;中国艺术档案出版社出版的《中国书画大宗师》、中国文化出版社出版的《创新中国。记载当代艺术领军人物的创新与梦想》、中国民族摄影艺术出版社出版的《盛世国艺---领秀中华艺术巨匠》、中国文化出版社出版的《创新中国》、中国国际出版社出版的《中国名家作品收藏与鉴赏》、香港文联出版社出版的《中国艺术大家典藏》;中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会的《奋进新时代新文艺群体书画家名人录》等240余部典籍中入编。

Zhang Tongyun, no. NOYAMA, Male, from Lichuan, Hubei Province, national senior artist, lifetime member of archives of famous Chinese artists, member of Calligraphy Research Society of Chinese Couplet Society; Member of the calligraphy and Painting Work Committee of the New Art Group of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association; Director of the Tibetan hundred million world; chairman of the sino-confucianism Cultural Industry Alliance; Senior Art Teacher Of High School, member of China International Artists Association, Director of China International Artists Association, senior calligrapher; Senior Research Fellow of China International Modern Art Research Center; Member of China National Architecture Research Association; Executive Vice President, Hong Ru Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Qufu. Ji Guoli, an artist on the Belt and Road Cultural Tour; Works and art resumes in April 2018, "building a dream space" under the old story channel of China Central Television, and in April 2020, "passing on" under the old story channel of China Central Television was awarded the license "Zhang Tongyun culture passing on studio, " and the National Digital Channel 2020 Spring Festival TV show was shown, it is reported on the home page of Baidu, People's Daily, people's Net, China news broadcast, global headlines, international hotline, Toutiao, China Net, International Phoenix Net and more than 200 other international and domestic media Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence Won The "reform and opening up 30 years of Chinese experts and scholars contributions, " the honorary title; in the Eighteen th century collection activities, "Germany and Art Shuangxin artist" honorary title; The National Digital Television Channel of the collection world awarded the title of "the most valuable collecting artist" ; the China Collection Academic Research Association and the World Culture and art appraisal center awarded "the most valuable collecting artist in the contemporary Chinese painting and Calligraphy Collection Market" ; He was awarded the 70th Anniversary Medal of the founding of the People's Republic of China. His works were sold by Amazon, Alibaba and ZANGYI. com The China Internet Federation has awarded the world's top person of the Year award for 2020; the China Collection Guide Net has signed artists and established a permanent 3D + VR Zhangtongyun Art Museum by the China Collection Guide net. Love of art since childhood, Chinese Painting and calligraphy works or performance in Russia, the United States, France, Japan, and other 11 countries, China's 26 provinces, cities, autonomous regions award, into the exhibition or catalogues more than 800 times; Works of Calligraphy and painting have won prizes or been exhibited in more than 140 events, including the People's Daily Artists'Gold Cup award, the World Exhibition of fine Chinese art, and the Olympic Chinese calligraphy and painting Art Exhibition World Line. Among them, 6 special gold awards and 48 first-class gold awards were awarded, 15 Silver Awards; edited by the China Federation of Literary and art, published by People's Fine Arts Publishing House, including Liu Dawei, Huang Yongyu and Fan Zeng's the great masters of painting: The four leading figures; CCTV2018 Chinese painting and Calligraphy: a Chinese calling card to the world; The 2020 global issue and China and the United States Association of Chairman Fan Dean's collection of the era elegant personage desk calendar; the 2021 global issue and Zhong Nanshan, Ma Yun collection of the establishment of the Party Centennial Meritorious Personage Desk Calendar; China literature and History Press publishes the rise of Great Powers: Cultural Power, a collection by Ouyang Zhongshi and Ma Huateng; Collection of national digital television channels, "China's glory on the Silk Ceremony Master" , the Publishing House of the Chinese Federation of the "Long March in praise of the National Heart Strong Dream" ; The Great Masters of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, published by China Art Archive Press, and Innovation China, published by China Culture Press. Record the innovation and dreams of the leading figures in contemporary art, Sheng Shi Guo Yi-a master of Chinese art, published by China National Photography Art Publishing House, Innovation in China, published by China Culture Publishing House, collection and appreciation of famous Chinese works, published by China International Publishing House, and collection of great masters of Chinese art, published by Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Press; Chinese calligraphers and Painters Association of the new Literary Group of the Work Committee, "strive for a new era of the new literary group of Calligraphers and painters who directory" and more than 240 books.



张通云 2020年11月9日













作品参展30+11=41次。(代表性展出:2003年第四届内地知名书画家作品赴台湾观摩巡回展、2003年第三届大禹杯中国书画家作品赴日展 、2004年亚洲艺术泰国曼古交流展、2005年走进新加坡中国书画家精品展、2005年情系奥运中华书画艺术展世界行俄罗斯、法国古莱母国家博物馆展、2005年世界华人艺术精品北京、首尔展、香港交流展、2018年中央电视台老故事频道《筑梦空间》栏目纪念改革开放40周年艺术名家作品展、2020年4月17中央电视台老故事频道《传承栏目》挂牌---《张通云文化传承工作室,并合作开展文化传承工作,合作期为2020年4月17日至2022年4月16日、2019年春节收藏天下全国数字电视频道年度最具收藏价值艺术家作品 迎春展)。


代表性典籍与报刊入编5+29=34(国际性2+13=15,如:《世界名人录》、《亚洲艺坛名流》、《中华英才大典》、《亚欧书画》、苏富比画报《美丽中国近当代艺术收藏推荐》、《长征颂。报国心。强国梦》(中国最具影响力的艺术名家作品选集)、《艺术之路。中国当代艺术精品投资》、香港文联出版社出版全球发行的《中国艺术大家典藏》、中科协《走向世界的中国学者》、全球发行习近平建国70周年阅兵图片、范迪安与张通云合集的《2020时代风采人物》精品台历、全球发行的欧阳中石、马化腾与张通云三合集的《大国崛起。文化力量》、《向大师致敬新中国艺术家档案》、《新中国艺术名家备忘录》、《不忘初心艺心向党》、《中意典藏。国 际献礼》。。。。


报道11+119=130次(转播除外,国际性0+16=16次,如报道网:百度首页、人民日报、人民网、央视微博、全球头条、欧洲网、环球艺术网、环球人物网、环球日报网、今日头条、CCTV经济网、CCTV老故事频道、中国新闻联播网、中视网。文化频道、世界互联网 、中央热点观察网、中国网、新华网、国际在线、。。。)。











My dream big data, Zhang Tongyun November 9,2020 when I was young, I wanted to go to university, graduated from junior high school in 1965, did not apply for teacher training to go to high school, entered the first high school of Lichuan in the autumn of 1965, started the Cultural Revolution Movement in May 1966, not only did I stop taking literacy classes, but I also stopped taking the national college entrance examination until I graduated in the spring semester of 1968, when I returned to the countryside as a Rusticated Youth of China. From 1966 to 1977, I had to rely on the recommendation of the poor and lower-middle peasants to go to university. Since some of my parents had been "peasants" before liberation, they could not be recommended to go to university. In 1970, I had to take up the post of education, i became a teacher of the people. When I took up the post of education, I was determined to be loyal to the party's education cause. I began to be engaged in junior middle school and primary school education, like "Tiger Balm" can cure all diseases. In addition to doing a good job in teaching, I began to teach myself to play (the piano) , play (the Erhu) , play (the flute, the Harmonica) , sing (singing) , draw (painting) , write (writing brush characters) , and set myself a college degree before the age of 40, to solve the undergraduate degree before the age of forty-five, after the age of forty-five writing a struggle plan, but in the hobby of learning, but especially love painting, I have my own studio "Love Pavilion" , "Shouyanzhai" (established on July 1,1999) , on January 1,2006, I named my stage name "Wild Mountain" because my painting was completely self-taught, I didn't go to art school and I didn't have any famous teachers, painting spring landscape is because I was born in the flourishing age want to praise the flourishing age with his spring landscape painting, since then my painting from amateur self-learning on the professional road, and have my painting dream -- A Hundred Years later, this savage and wild style of my works can be recognized by the community, into the history of the art of painting and calligraphy and history books. In 1987, I was awarded First Class Math teacher in high school; in 2001, I was awarded First Class artist by the Chinese National Academy of Arts; in 2001, I was awarded senior teacher of Fine Arts in high school; In 2016, he was assessed as a national first-class artist by the National Art Appraisal Center and the National Committee for the assessment of professional artists; in 2018, he was certified as a national first-class artist by the National Guidance and Assessment Center for Cultural and artistic talents of the Ministry of Culture In May 2018, he was named "Contemporary Chinese artist of virtue and art" in the eighteen th century collection summary Award and CCTV annual personage pageant September 17,2020 by the National Painting and Calligraphy Art Committee, the Chinese Traditional Culture Development Center, the National Senior Art Title Assessment Committee as "National Senior artist" and the assessment price of the works is 4000080000 yuan per square foot. As I look back on my 50 years of chasing dreams, to sum up my big data: (I) participation in art activities from March 1996 to October 1,2020 was divided into two phases: March 1996 to 2010 and October 1,2012 to 2020(no record of participation in 2011) , the following data are presented in two-phase addition. Data: TOTAL NUMBER OF SUCCESSFUL EVENTS: 670 + 184 = 854. (1)18 events in 11 countries and 832 events in 26 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions; Among the winners: 6 Special Gold Awards, 48 gold awards with first prize, 14 + 1 = 15 silver awards, a total of more than 140(2012 so far have not participated in the basic painting and calligraphy competition activities) . (2)249 photos of all certificates (certificates, trophies, trophies, medals)(3) entries 199 + 43 = 242(issue). (4)265 + 5 = 270 art resumes (times). (5)173 + 0 = 173 books of summaries, essays, poems and aphorisms of artistic activities. (6)30 + 11 = 41 entries. Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence. (7) Collection 28 + 52 = 80 pieces. (8) representative books and periodicals in 5 + 29 = 34(International 2 + 13 = 15, such as: Who's who in the world, celebrities in Asian art circles, the great dictionary of Chinese talents, Asian and European painting and Calligraphy, Sotheby's pictorial guide to beautiful modern and contemporary Chinese art collection, Ode to the Long March. To serve the country. The dream of a strong country (a selection of the most influential artists in China) , the Road to art. Investment in Contemporary Chinese art, the global publication of the great collection of Chinese art by Hong Kong's Wenlian Publishing House, the Chinese Association of Science and Technology's Chinese scholars going global, the global publication of the military parade pictures of the 70th anniversary of the founding of Xi Jinping, the excellent desk calendar of the elegant personages of the 2020s by Fan Di'an and Zhang Tongyun, the global publication of Ouyang Zhongshi, the rise of great powers by Ma Huateng and Zhang Tongyun. "The power of culture" , "a tribute to the masters of the New China Artists Archive" , "a memorandum to the artists of the new China" , "not forgetting the beginning of the art heart to the party" , "Zhongyi Collection" . International tribute. . . (9) contributed reporting 0 + 17 = 17 times . (10)11 + 119 = 130 times (except rebroadcast, International 0 + 16 = 16 times, such as the report network: Baidu home page, people's Daily, People's Daily, CCTV Weibo, CCTV Weibo, global headlines, euronet, Global Arts Network, Global People's network, global daily, Toutiao, CCTV economic network, CCTV old story channel, China News Network, China TV network . Culture Channel, World Internet, central hotspot watch, china.com.cn, Xinhuanet, international online, . . .) . Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence. (12) , China Collection Guide net signed artists, and by China Collection Guide net produced a long-term recommendation of 3D + VR Gallery 0 + 1 = 1. (12) invited to join 59 art groups, of which 24 are life-long members (such as: Member of China International Artists Association; Director of China International Artists Association, senior calligrapher; Senior Research Fellow of China International Center for Modern Art Research; member of Chinese calligrapher's Fellowship Committee of New Literature and Art Group; life-long member of Archives of Chinese artists; member of Calligraphy and Art Research Society of Chinese Couplet Society; President of China-confucianism Cultural Industry Alliance; Executive vice-president of Hongru Calligraphy and Painting Academy of Qufu) . (13)1409 registered works. (14)10 photo albums of existing works. (15) existing activity record book 6 + 2 = 8. (16) the work enters the market 0 + 12 = 12(Amazon, Alibaba, Yachang, Zangyi, debei mall, Yijia Online, Leyi online mall, Chinese luxury goods, sina.com, Beijing Changsheng Hengtai Trading Co. , Ltd. , Yangguang Hotline, tencent) . ANNEX: (1) there is a written basis for successful participation in arts activities from March 1996 to 2010(and a compilation of "Zhang Tongyun's journey in arts activities") . A record of successful arts activities has been kept since 2012. (2) the number of activities participated in in the above data is less than the sum of the following sub-data。


上一篇:新时代艺坛名家——莫怀远专题报道 下一篇:聚焦中国当代艺术家形象大使——张惠臣

