守文化之重 创时代之新 中华优秀传统文化艺术家——张宗尧

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作品在《国画家》、《人 民画报》、《神州诗 书画报》、《美术报》、 《中国书画交易报》学术性权威刊物上发表,并被部分文博单位收藏。作品、传略载入《当代绘画艺术》、《中国画风》 、《中国美术家选集》、《中国当代著名国画家精品集》、《当代书画家》,《中华翰墨名家作品博览》、《中国艺术博览与收藏指南》、第六届《当代中国山水画作品集》等三十多部大型画册、辞书。出版有《张宗尧山水画作品选》、《中国当代书画名 家张宗尧珍藏邮册》多部、《当代中国画坛名家系列—张宗尧研究》等。

Born in Luzhou, Sichuan in 1947, Zhang Zongyao is a first-class artist. He has been a member of the Sichuan Artists Association, Deputy Director of the academic committee of the Sichuan Academy of Rural Love and traditional Chinese painting, vice-president of the Wujin Academy of Calligraphy and painting, and vice-chairman of the Xinjin Society of calligraphers and painters. He is also Vice Dean and professor of Art Education College of Chinese Painting Academy, Member of China Art Education Promotion Association, Member of National Art Teachers Working Committee, Painter of Contemporary Literati Painting Academy, etc. . He has won the outstanding award of the first Chinese ink painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, the bronze award of the World Chinese Art Exhibition 2000, the Silver Award of the Third International Golden Goose Calligraphy and painting competition, the Silver Award of the Chinese Literati Calligraphy and painting excellent essay, the Best Work Award of the 100-year Chinese film calligraphy and painting competition, and the first prize of the National Art Exhibition. His works have been published in "Chinese painter" , "People's pictorial" , "Shenzhou poetry, calligraphy and pictorial" , "Fine Arts" and "Chinese calligraphy and Painting Exchange" , which are authoritative academic publications. His works and biographies have been included in more than 30 large-scale picture albums and dictionaries, such as Contemporary Painting Art, Chinese painting style, selected works of Chinese artists, selected works of famous contemporary Chinese painters, contemporary calligraphers and painters, exhibition of masterpieces of Chinese calligraphy and ink painting, Chinese Art Exhibition and Collection Guide, and the sixth edition of Contemporary Chinese landscape painting collection. He is the author of a selection of Zhang Zongyao's landscape paintings, a collection of Zhang Zongyao's famous paintings and calligraphy, and a study of Zhang Zongyao's

famous paintings.




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